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Located in the Marina La Gomera of the Puerto Deportivo de San Sebastián de La Gomera.

Varadero Gomera - Mantenimiento de Embarcaciones

Boat Maintenance

Extensive experience in services for the maintenance of fibreglass boats, as well as motor and sailing boats.

Varadero Gomera - Servicios de varada, asentamiento y botadura

Dry docking Service

We have the latest technology and machinery for the safe and efficient stowage and seating of vessels in the dry dock.

Varadero Gomera - Seguro de Accidentes

Accident Insurance

Our rates include an Accident Insurance for all types of boats.

Our services

Everything you need for the maintenance and safety of your boat.

Boat Lift BL-20 Automotive Trolley

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GH70 Marine Gateway

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Sandblasting and Painting

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Settlement on Dock, with Accident Insurance

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Servicios Especiales

Special Services

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Wide Range Of Services

Our team of professionals are specialised in all types of naval services: dry-docking, launching, settling and chocking, transfers between ports, loading and unloading on planks, interior and exterior towing, repairs and special services for the maintenance of sails, rigging or masts.

Book now, pay later

Because our prices depend on the time in hours or days needed to execute our services, we offer you the possibility to book now and pay when everything is ready. Before making your booking, please check the availability of our services and equipment.

Your boat will be safe with us

We have the necessary machinery and the latest generation, for our Dry Dock, Settlement on Dock service. With the GH70 Marine GateWay and the Boat Lift BL-20, whatever your boat is, it will be lifted in complete safety.

Your boat will be safe with us

We have the necessary machinery and the latest generation, for our Dry Dock, Settlement on Dock service. With the GH70 Marine GateWay and the Boat Lift BL-20, whatever your boat is, it will be lifted in complete safety.

Here We Are

The offices of Soluciones Navales are located in the Port of Fred Olsen, Estación Marítima s/n, Oficina de Prácticos, San Sebastián de La Gomera, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.
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